Monday, May 14, 2012

Jetton Park Sprint Tri


As I ran out of the pool towards my bike during the Huntersville Sprint Tri, I suddenly realized I had not attached my bike shoes to the pedals, as I normally do during a race.  For whatever reason, I gave no thought to my transitions prior to the moment I was doing them.  That clearly showed in my slow T1 and T2 times.  I decided to prepare for Latta, I needed to actually think about all elements of the race and practice my transitions.  

Several friends had recommended the Jetton Park Sprint Tri and I was lucky enough to win a free entry, so bright and early Saturday morning, Danielle and I made the quick trip up to Jetton Park.  The race is a 750m open water swim, a 20k bike, and a 5k run.  The bike is in large part on the Lungstrong 15k run course, so I have some great memories of the area.  I spent Friday after work practicing my transitions and running off the bike.  While this was great for my transitions, it was not the best plan for my legs, which were feeling pretty beat up.  No matter- the race was simply meant to be a chance to practice and break out the new P2.  I hadn't raced on her yet and was anxious to have a chance prior to Latta. I was also a bit concerned since the swim was wetsuit legal and I would not be racing in a wetsuit (don't have one), but the water temperature turned out to be fine. 

The weather was perfect, lots of my One2Tri Racing teammates were assembled, and Danielle was on hand to take pictures and keep tabs on the 30-34 guys.


13:37 swim;1:49/100m (20th overall)           
0:32 T1
35:43 bike; 20.83 mph (49th overall)
0:28 T2
17:21; 5:36/mile (1st overall)

1:07:39; 6th overall and 2nd AG

I was 3:30 behind the AG leader and 2:00 out of 3rd heading out onto the run.  I managed to run my way into 2nd and was only 1 minute behind the AG winner.  Not too bad.

Overall, I am pretty pleased.  I know my swim fitness is not where it needs to be, but my time was still good.  My legs were shot on the bike before the race started and I still had one of my fastest bikes ever.  I know my times will continue to improve as I get used to the P2, work hard, and perhaps even taper a bit.  Or at the very least not trash my legs a mere 14 hours before the race.  My transitions were spot on and my run was what I expected.  I'm definitely getting excited for Latta.  I think I can post a pretty solid bike split and really surprise some people. 

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