Monday, October 22, 2012

Beach2Battleship Iron Distance Relay


All ready to go pre-race.
On October 20th I particpated in the Beach2Battleship Iron Distance Relay.  Obviously, I was recruited for the run leg.   My plan was to start easy and stay around 6:40-6:45 through 20. If I was feeling good after 20, pick it up.  I was hoping to feel good throughout and use this as a good training run for Philly/good assessment of my current fitness.  The course appears to be a bit short, but it's hard to tell since there were a lot of turns, which the garmin does not like.  It does not matter either way, as this was just a training run not a race.  I felt very good and only really worked hard the last few miles.  Surprisingly enough, my legs felt pretty good afterwards and I was able to walk around without issue.  On Sunday, Dee & I did a very easy 8 mile run to shake the legs out- something I'm not always able to do post marathon, so I'm cautiously optimistic about my fitness for Philly.

1 6:32.0
2 6:58.7
3 6:44.7
4 6:43.9
5 6:40.0
6 6:38.3
7 6:44.2
8 6:38.7
9 6:43.0
10 6:41.5
11 6:43.6
12 6:41.4
13 6:29.9 (good bit of downhill)
14 6:16.5 (big downhill & crowd at the turnaround)
15 6:41.1
16 6:38.5
17 6:32.2
18 6:33.9
19 6:32.1
20 6:37.9
21 6:24.8
22 6:22.7
23 6:26.9
24 6:19.0
25 6:06.1
26 5:59.3
27 :07.2 0.02  (5:27 pace)

Overall, our team crushed it.  Our total time was 8:14:30, which was well under our goal of sub 8:30.  Our swimmer cruised in 45:34, our biker dominated the field in 4:34:10, and I ran a race best 2:50:58 (3:49 of transition time).  It was a lot of fun to be a part of such a fast team and get to see an iron distance triathlon in person.  Kind of makes me want to do one myself...

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